
September, 2020

In this webinar, presenters Claire Tierney and Wesley Jones of the ARC of King County will teach about:

  • IDD and Autism
  • How trauma presents for autistic people and people with IDD,
  • How to support autistic people and people with IDD with trauma histories, and
  • Community resources that exist to support these populations and providers
  • Disability
  • Trauma
Evaluating Community-Level Prevention: Key Ideas and Concerns
September, 2020

Part 2: Evaluating Community-Level Prevention: Key Ideas and Concerns

As we continue to increase our focus on community-level prevention work, many prevention workers find themselves struggling to apply what they know about program evaluation to those efforts. While the same general principles apply to evaluating all kinds of prevention efforts, there are also specific considerations for evaluating community-level interventions. In this workshop we will consider concerns specific…

  • Prevention
The Movement to End Sexual Violence (Advocate Core)
July, 2020

This recorded webinar is an overview of the history of activism to end sexual violence, the development of rape crisis services, and the shifts of culture toward intolerance of sexual assault. 

  • Training Tools
June, 2020

This workshop will explore tips and tricks for more digitally focused prevention. This may be especially helpful as prevention plans are adjusted in response to current social distancing but will also provide valuable approaches to keep in your toolbox going forward.

Presenters will share and discuss several tools to use while engaging in prevention efforts virtually, including digital art practices and engaging and accessible online facilitation.  Participants will also have…

  • Media Literacy & Technology
June, 2020

In this workshop, we will cover the basics about the neurobiology of trauma, how trauma stores in the body, and how bodywork can be an important part of ongoing care after the initial crisis. Specifically, we will discuss the “freeze” response: a nearly universal trauma response that saves us in the short term, and can also create long term physical holding and chronic pain. Bodywork can be an incredibly effective modality for addressing the freeze response, healing trauma in general, and…

  • Trauma
Advocate Core Part 2
April, 2020

This webinar is broken into two parts.

Part One
This presentation will discuss different examples of how rape culture is ingrained in our culture, history and systems. We will also review different aspects of how rape culture is exhibited throughout our daily lives.
Part Two
We will also look at how oppression and rape culture connect and why it is important for sexual assault advocates to have…
  • Root Causes
Advocate Core Part 1
April, 2020

This webinar is broken into two parts.

Part One
This presentation will discuss different examples of how rape culture is ingrained in our culture, history and systems. We will also review different aspects of how rape culture is exhibited throughout our daily lives.
Part Two
We will also look at how oppression and rape culture connect and why it is important for sexual assault advocates to have foundational knowledge in anti-oppression. We will…
  • Root Causes
October, 2019

The Washington State Patrol implemented Second Substitute House Bill 2530 (2016 Legislative Session), which created Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 43.43.545, the statewide sexual assault kit tracking system. The tracking system provides sexual assault survivors with the ability to anonymously track the location and status of their Sexual Assault Kit (SAK) from the point of collection through forensic analysis to final storage location and possible destruction.

In this one hour…

  • Legal Advocacy
  • SANE & Rape Kits
For Incarcerated Survivors
March, 2019
  • Incarcerated Survivors
Including Youth With Intellectual Disabilities in Prevention Groups
December, 2018

Many sexual assault service professionals feel unprepared when youth with intellectual disabilities (ID) participate in prevention groups. However, we should expect to see more youth with ID in such groups because of the current focus on inclusion in the public-school system.

This webinar will provide information and resources to assist the S/A professional to feel more confident in meaningfully including and supporting a prevention group participant with ID.

  • Prevention
  • Disability

OCVA Grantees

If you are an OCVA grantee and you are viewing a recorded webinar to help meet your ongoing training requirements, please note:

  • Recorded webinars DO count towards ongoing training hours
  • WCSAP does NOT provide training documentation for watching recorded webinars
  • Most programs document attendance of a recorded webinar in the same manner as you would document an internal training
    • Please check within your organization to verify the proper procedure