
Trans-specific ACES: Factors that influence the wellbeing of trans/nonbinary survivors
April, 2022

Many of us are familiar with ACEs – Adverse Childhood Experiences – and how they influence the health and wellness of both youth and adults. This webinar will explore and compare ACEs data in the general population with rates many trans/nonbinary people experience. Additional information will examine trans-specific ACEs that layer on extra challenges in childhood that have long-lasting impact throughout the lifespan.

  • Trauma
  • Anti-Oppression
  • Culturally Specific
At the confluence of disability and trans identity and survivorship: Supporting resilience and empowerment
April, 2022

Trans and nonbinary people experience disproportional rates of sexual victimization and other forms of violence. Trans people also have higher rates of disabilities than the general population. This webinar will examine the relationship between disability, trans identity and experience, and survivorship. Advocates and other providers will gain a broader understanding of the service and healing implications for survivors who live within these intersections. Participants will leave with…

  • Trauma
  • Anti-Oppression
  • Culturally Specific
February, 2021

Vicarious trauma is a consequence of working within the field of sexual assault and domestic violence. Research shows that it impacts most practitioners at some point in their careers, yet few organizations have policies in place to prevent or mitigate its negative effects. In this training you will learn about factors that contribute to vicarious trauma, how it can impact staff members, and how to create supportive practices to address the vicarious trauma needs within your organization…

  • Trauma
  • Supervision
An Informational Overview for Advocates
October, 2020

Washington State law enforcement officers who regularly conduct adult sexual assault investigations are mandated (by RCW 101.43.272) to attend a 3-day trauma-informed, victim-centered interview training offered by the Criminal Justice Training Commission ( In this course, Sexual Assault Investigations — Victim-Centered Engagement and Resiliency Tactics…

  • Trauma
  • Criminal Justice Process
Facilitating with Confidence
October, 2020

As advocates we help survivors navigate responses to trauma on a daily basis. We are used to working with survivors one-on-one to deal with responses like anger, disassociation, anxiety, fear, guilt, difficulty concentrating, and low self-esteem. However, when these same responses show up in the midst of a support group it can feel challenging.

This 90-minute training will address ways to not only support survivors experiencing trauma responses during group sessions, but to plan for…

  • Trauma
  • Support Groups
September, 2020

In this webinar, presenters Claire Tierney and Wesley Jones of the ARC of King County will teach about:

  • IDD and Autism
  • How trauma presents for autistic people and people with IDD,
  • How to support autistic people and people with IDD with trauma histories, and
  • Community resources that exist to support these populations and providers
  • Disability
  • Trauma
June, 2020

In this workshop, we will cover the basics about the neurobiology of trauma, how trauma stores in the body, and how bodywork can be an important part of ongoing care after the initial crisis. Specifically, we will discuss the “freeze” response: a nearly universal trauma response that saves us in the short term, and can also create long term physical holding and chronic pain. Bodywork can be an incredibly effective modality for addressing the freeze response, healing trauma in general, and…

  • Trauma
Resource Packet
June, 2020

Our mental and physical health are interwoven and connected and as such trauma is stored in both our brains and our bodies. Both can be impacted by healing touch. These recourse are created to be shared with survivors. The following packet includes:

  • A guide to recognizing trauma in the body
  • A guide to self care for trauma stored in the body
  • A guide for finding a trauma-informed practitioner of body work
  • A zip file with Instagram (4) and Facebook (4…
  • Trauma
Media Discussion Guide
January, 2020

In this discussion guide, we examine the Netflix limited series “Unbelievable.” We hope this guide can assist programs in facilitating conversations about the experience of sexual assault survivors interacting with the criminal justice systems and the aftermath of sexual trauma. 

  • Trauma
  • Criminal Justice Process
  • SANE & Rape Kits
What is My Responsibility?
February, 2019

This Advocacy Station explores interpersonal strategies and individual approaches to compassion satisfaction and resilience building.

  • Trauma
Without Inflicting Trauma on Others
WCSAP Webpage
May, 2016

As advocates in the Anti-Sexual Violence Movement, we are all too familiar with the term and impacts of vicarious trauma. How then do we relieve ourselves of the imprints that a survivor’s story leaves on us? An important way of coping with the intensity of the work is to first acknowledge that it WILL affect you.

In an organization plagued with policies and procedures sometimes we forget to implement “practices.” A few practices to consider are:

  • Trauma
  • Supervision
WCSAP Webpage
March, 2013

Trauma can profoundly affect children's development. In an article highlighted on the website Zero to Three (National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families), Dr. Theodore Gaensbauer discusses the "Developmental and Therapeutic Aspects of Treating Infants and Toddlers Who Have Witnessed Violence." Dr. Gaensbauer's framework for understanding how trauma affects children has even wider significance, applying to older children and to those affected…

  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Trauma
PDF & Printed Materials
January, 2012

Service providers from all disciplines — medical and mental health, law enforcement, the courts, education, child welfare, and advocacy — can offer trauma-informed services to those they serve. Trauma-informed services approach people from the standpoint of the question "What has happened to you?" rather than "What is wrong with you?" It is important to note that providing trauma-informed services does not mean service providers must determine exactly what has happened to an individual.…

  • Trauma
  • Program Provision
Child Sexual Abuse
WCSAP Webpage
April, 2011

Children who have been sexually abused have often experienced an entire series of traumatic events, from multiple victimizations to seriously disrupted relationships with their parents. These children's experiences can't be described with the traditional posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) label; their fundamental ways of interacting with the world and sometimes even their biological functions are changed because of the chronic, pervasive stress to which they have been exposed at this…

  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Trauma
  • Therapy
Linkages to Sexual Assault
March, 2002

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a complex issue. The diagnosis was first acknowledged as a disorder of individuals experiencing the extreme stress of combat situations.

PTSD has now become a term familiar to the general public as well as a common diagnosis. This issue attempts to provide an overview of recent research on PTSD, particularly those aspects most directly related to victims of sexual assault. 

  • Trauma
  • Therapy
WCSAP Webpage

A question often posed to us is, "how much do I try to get a child to talk about their sexual abuse?"

We are all operating under the mandate of "do no harm." When working with a child who is not spontaneously engaging in trauma exposure, how do we know when trauma exposure is indicated and how do we go about engaging the child? What about the possibility we may further traumatize, further ingrain trauma responses, or create new trauma pathways? What about colluding with trauma…

  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Trauma