- WCSAP Webpage
- Criminal Justice Process
Washington State law includes sex offenses and other related crimes, as well as benefits and protections for victims. The following list is adapted from the Sexual Violence Law Center:
Sex Offenses
- Sex Offenses - RCW 9A.44
- Communications with a Minor for Immoral Purposes - RCW 9.68A.090
- Harassment - RCW 9A.46
- Indecent Exposure - RCW 9A.88.010
- Sexual Exploitation of Children - RCW 9.68
- Stalking - RCW 9A.46.110
- Unlawful Imprisonment - RCW 9A.40.040
- Voyeurism - RCW 9A.44.115
- Limitations of Actions (Statute of Limitations)
Victims Rights, Investigations
- Crime Victims Rights- RCW 7.69.030
- Child Crime Victim Rights - RCW 7.69A.030
- Crime Victims Compensation - RCW 7.68
- and WAC 296-30
- and WAC 296-31
- Victims of Sexual Assault Act - RCW 70.125
- Right to Support Person - RCW 70.125.060
- Housing: Right to Terminate Tenancy or Lease - RCW 59.18.575
- Interpreters: Right to, Deaf and Hard of Hearing - RCW 2.42
- Non-English Speaking - RCW 2.43
- Employment: Washington Law Against Discrimination - RCW 49.60
- Employment: Washington State Family Leave Act - RCW 49.78
- Washington Unemployment Compensation - RCW 50.20
- Employment Leave - RCW 49.76
Protection Orders
- Sexual Assault Protection Order - RCW 7.90
- Domestic Violence Protection Order - RCW 26.50
- Stalking Protection Order - RCW 7.92
- Anti-Harassment Order - RCW 10.14
- Vulnerable Adult Protection Order - RCW 74.34.110
- Criminal DV No-Contact Orders - RCW 10.99
- Evidence Rules in Protection Order hearings - ER 1101
Confidentiality, Privacy, and Privilege
- Sexual Assault Advocate Privilege - RCW 5.60.060(7)
- Mental Health Therapist & Client Privilege - RCW 18.225.105
- Domestic Violence Advocate Privilege - RCW 5.60.060(8)
- Confidentiality of Rape Crisis Center Records - RCW 70.125.065
- Client Records of Domestic Violence Programs - RCW 70.123.075
- Washington State Criminal Records Privacy Act - RCW 10.97
- Medical Records, Health Care Information Access & Disclosure - RCW 70.02
- Sealing of Court Records - Wash. Court Rule GR 15
- Public Disclosure Act - Information held confidential RCW 50.13.015
- Address Confidentiality - RCW 40.24
- Child victims of sexual assault, confidential - RCW 10.97.130
- Victim Polygraphing - RCW - 10.58.038
Mandatory Reporting, Investigation
- Abuse of Children, Reports - RCW 26.44.030
- Abuse of Vulnerable Adults - RCW 74.34
- Investigation of Child Sexual Abuse, Protocols - RCW 26.44.180