Engaging Men in Prevention



Date of Publication
Enero, 2012

Ending sexual violence in our communities takes all of us. Involving boys and men in our prevention work can benefit the prevention field, men, and the community. Here are a few considerations and resources to use when engaging men in prevention.

Why engage men in prevention?

These are just a few reasons — challenge yourself to come up with more & then put them to action!

  • While the majority of sexual violence is committed by men, most men are not violent. Talk about a lot of potential allies in our work!
  • Since most men do not agree with sexual violence, prevention work can provide avenues for men to challenge sexism and prevent violence in the community and themselves.
  • Men are affected by sexual violence — both as survivors and supporters of loved ones.
  • As allies in this work, men can help educate their friends, families, and other males. We can always use more positive male role models!
  • Limited media portrayals of gender and sexuality takes its toll on all of us, so men also have a big stake in changing the norms that support violence.