Identifying and Advocating for High Needs Clients


Date of Publication
June, 2016


As sexual assault advocates, we seek to provide thoughtful, client-centered services to a survivor left vulnerable and traumatized after they have experienced sexual violence.

But what do you do when the client may feel difficult to work with because of their own personality or background?
How do you advocate for a nonresponsive client, a client with cognitive disabilities, or a client who is in constant chaos?

In this webinar, we will look at common client scenarios and how to identify and proactively respond to survivors who may need extra attention or special assistance, with the objective of providing participants with concrete resources and strategies.


OCVA Grantees

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  • Recorded webinars DO count towards ongoing training hours
  • WCSAP does NOT provide training documentation for watching recorded webinars
  • Most programs document attendance of a recorded webinar in the same manner as you would document an internal training
    • Please check within your organization to verify the proper procedure