Motivation through Positive Recognition



Date of Publication
Febrero, 2016

At WCSAP we are always working to support programs. Sometimes that means taking time to stop and recognize the amazing work that’s being done and the strength, compassion, and drive it takes for advocates to provide ongoing services.

Recognizing Staff

Programs are generally really good at recognizing volunteers and contributors but sometimes they lose sight of those providing the services. Taking the time to genuinely show appreciation has proven to increase productivity, motivation, resilience and staff retention.

Recognition can come in many forms. Think about what each person may appreciate the most when being recognized, and remember; there is always time to show recognition!

Organizational Culture

We know that it’s rewarding to give and to receive recognition, but how do we institutionalize this into our programs? How might you work towards creating a culture of recognition within your program?

The article "Creating a Culture of Recognition" by A Great Place to Work may help you to generate some innovative ways to incorporate recognition in your daily work lives.

“Culture is about performance, and making people feel good about how they contribute to the whole.” — Tracy Streckenbach interview, Clear Goals Matter More than Mission, The New York Times.