Advanced Crisis Line Training for Sexual Assault Advocates


Date of Publication
Agosto, 2015


This training is intended for trained and experienced sexual assault advocates. It explores the roles and responsibilities of hotline sexual assault advocates with two or more years of experience. Participants will explore the unique needs of survivors and address the specific challenges that may arise when advocating. Through sensitive, intentional and informed interventions, advocates will be equipped to offer survivors resources, options and crisis intervention, supporting their healing and empowerment.

OCVA Grantees

If you are an OCVA grantee and you are viewing a recorded webinar to help meet your ongoing training requirements, please note:

  • Recorded webinars DO count towards ongoing training hours
  • WCSAP does NOT provide training documentation for watching recorded webinars
  • Most programs document attendance of a recorded webinar in the same manner as you would document an internal training
    • Please check within your organization to verify the proper procedure