Curricula Guide

Sexual Violence Prevention Curricula Guide

The Prevention Resource Center (PRC) has compiled a listing of several prevention curricula used by sexual violence preventionists. These are useful tools that enhance programming. The Guide provides information about

  • the focus areas,
  • audience,
  • availability,
  • and any available evaluation findings.

The intention of this resource is to provide preventionists with a starting place when reviewing curricula to meet the needs of their community. It is neither intended to include all possible curricula options nor serve as an endorsement of included curricula.

When using any curriculum, consider:

Curricula need to be modified to fit the community you are working with and creating a customized program by pulling from several curricula may be most beneficial.

To maintain accessibility, curricula that costs more than $1000 are not included.

If you have used any of these curricula or know of others we should review, please give us feedback by using our Prevention Contact Form.

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