The Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs (WCSAP) is a nonprofit organization that offers support to sexual assault programs throughout Washington State. We at WCSAP wish to welcome you as a new executive director or program manager, and to let you know how we may serve you and your program. We want to make a personal connection with you to offer our support and resources.
If you are coming from an allied field or from another state and believe that you need additional information about sexual abuse and assault, or about services in Washington State, you will find a wealth of information and resources on our website. The website offers information and registration links for upcoming trainings, and a wide variety of recorded webinars that you can access at no charge.
- For training opportunities to meet the OCVA requirement for ongoing management training:
- Check our training page for annual full-day Managers' Institutes, webinars on management issues, and management workshops at the WCSAP Annual Conference (usually held in May).
- For information about the Accreditation process that Community Sexual Assault Programs funded by the Office of Crime Victims Advocacy (OCVA) must undergo:
- You can review our Accreditation web page. You will find critical information about Accreditation in the first section of the Accreditation Toolkit, which also provides specific information about how to meet the documentation standards for each Accreditation Standard. WCSAP staff will also travel to your program during the year of your Accreditation review to provide on-site consultation to help you prepare, and are available by phone or email to answer any questions you many have.
- To have a personal orientation to the Accreditation process and any management issues of concern:
- A WCSAP staff member may be able to make a site visit and can certainly work with you to provide you with the information and resources you need to get off to a good start. We are here to help you. You can contact WCSAP at any time for what we call "technical assistance," which is simply the process of providing support, information, and resources in response to any questions or concerns you express.
- To connect to other sexual assault managers in the state:
- Contact WCSAP and ask to be included in the SA Program Management Listserv.
- If you have questions about the Community Planning Process:
- This is an event that takes place in each community every two years. It provides an opportunity for community members to assess the current needs of the community and any gaps in services, and to allocate Specialized Funding monies for therapy, psychoeducational support groups, medical social work, or enhanced Core Services. It is often hosted by the CSAP in the area. For more information, contact WCSAP or your OCVA coordinator.
- If you need help with something else:
- In addition to management technical assistance, we offer help with general and child advocacy concerns, prevention, public policy, training needs, and technology issues. Don't worry if you don't know which WCSAP staff person handles a particular issue; we will be happy to direct you to the appropriate individual.
Welcome! Call or email the WCSAP just to introduce yourself and become connected to all the services we offer.