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Junio, 2022

This brochure is an easy reference to the basics of mandated reporting for Sexual Assault Advocates.

  • Child Sexual Abuse
Why it is important to listen when children talk
WCSAP Webpage
Junio, 2022

It is a parent’s job to worry about their children — to ensure all of their needs are taken care of. But there is one need that we don’t always think of — in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and trying to make sure everyone is fed and clothed — and that is the importance of encouraging frequent and thorough communication with and from the children themselves. A key component of discovering, and putting an end to, child sexual abuse is disclosure. Disclosure is when child sexual abuse...

  • Child Sexual Abuse
Trans-specific ACES: Factors that influence the wellbeing of trans/nonbinary survivors
Abril, 2022

Many of us are familiar with ACEs – Adverse Childhood Experiences – and how they influence the health and wellness of both youth and adults. This webinar will explore and compare ACEs data in the general population with rates many trans/nonbinary people experience. Additional information will examine trans-specific ACEs that layer on extra challenges in childhood that have long-lasting impact throughout the lifespan.

  • Trauma
  • Anti-Oppression
  • Culturally Specific
At the confluence of disability and trans identity and survivorship: Supporting resilience and empowerment
Abril, 2022

Trans and nonbinary people experience disproportional rates of sexual victimization and other forms of violence. Trans people also have higher rates of disabilities than the general population. This webinar will examine the relationship between disability, trans identity and experience, and survivorship. Advocates and other providers will gain a broader understanding of the service and healing implications for survivors who live within these intersections. Participants will leave with...

  • Trauma
  • Anti-Oppression
  • Culturally Specific
Advocacy Considerations
WCSAP Webpage
Marzo, 2022

We know that sexual violence flourishes in an atmosphere of oppression. When people are not seen as individuals, when their voices go unheard, when their concerns are dismissed, and when their perceptions are swept aside, they are more likely to be victimized and less likely to experience justice. Advocates know that disability does not equal a lack of credibility, that barriers can often be overcome through patience and creativity, and that everyone benefits from an environment of respect...

  • Disability
Marzo, 2022

This webinar is an introduction into the basics of Child Sexual Assault (CSA) Advocacy. Whether you have been working as a CSA advocate for years and are looking for a quick refresher or are a total beginner and these are your first steps into the field - this webinar is the perfect opportunity to dive into CSA Advocacy 101.

  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Parents & Caregivers
Fundamentación y Manejo de Ansiedad en Niños: Parte 3 de 3
WCSAP Webpage
Marzo, 2022

Bienvenidos a la tercera y última parte de nuestra serie en Fundamentación y Manejo de Ansiedad en Niños En esta trilogía nos hemos enfocado en actividades simples y divertidas que usted puede hacer con su hij@ para ayudarles a manejar sus frustraciones y ansiedades. Estas actividades se han visto mucho más necesarias en esta época de pandemia, horas escolares reducidas, y eventos mundiales estresantes.

Este segmento se enfoca en ejercicios de respiración que no solo son fáciles a...

  • Child Sexual Abuse
Part 2: Shifting Our Focus
WCSAP Webpage
Marzo, 2022

Messaging sexual violence prevention is such an important part of our overall strategy, but it can be tricky to create a compelling and hopeful pitch for prevention that will reach a broad audience, while also navigating deeply embedded rape myths & victim blaming.

This the second part in our series on messaging prevention. For this series, we draw from the guidance and toolkits developed in partnership by Raliance and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center with the...

  • Best Practices
  • Program Design
TA Bulletin
WCSAP Webpage
Febrero, 2022

Working with Businesses 

Programs have been experiencing an increased demand for training, policies, and technical assistance from local employers about workplace violence and harassment. While these issues touch on a lot of the work we do as sexual assault programs, it doesn’t always feel like this is our wheelhouse. This TA Bulletin includes some helpful framing and resources so you have somewhere to start when receiving community requests.

Lean into the aspects you are...

  • Criminal Justice Process
Diciembre, 2021

This Advocacy Station addresses several frequently asked questions in regards to sexual assault advocates and their mandated reporting responsibilities in regards to minors. It also provides guidance on best practice procedures to eliminate issues in regards to over-reporting.

  • Advocacy
  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Confidentiality & Privilege
  • Mandated Reporting
  • Best Practices
Fundamentación y Manejo de Ansiedad en Niños Jóvenes, Serie: Parte 2 de 3
WCSAP Webpage
Diciembre, 2021

Bienvenidos a la segunda parte de nuestra trilogía sobre la Fundamentación y Manejo de Ansiedad en Niños Jóvenes. Nuestro enfoque en esta serie es de modelar actividades que son divertidas, simples, y educativas que usted pueda enseñar a toda su familia - especialmente a sus chiquitines - para poder manejar el estrés y la ansiedad. En esta segunda parte estaremos aprendiendo como hacer una “Caja de Preocupaciones”.

Caja de Preocupaciones
Crea una experiencia divertida y...

  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Parents & Caregivers
  • Healthy Relationships
Activity for Boards of Directors
WCSAP Webpage
Noviembre, 2021

Many board members feel uncomfortable asking for money; however, fundraising is a key leadership role of all board members. This includes deciding fundraising campaigns and setting fundraising goals. The organization's board leadership and staff leaders work together with the full board to define and delineate their role so they are equipped and confident. Start with the basics to help members build their abilities to solicit donations for the agency and tell the story of the good work being...

  • Management
  • Grants & Finances
  • Planning
Fundamentación y Manejo de Ansiedad en Niños Jóvenes, Serie: Parte 1 de 3
WCSAP Webpage
Septiembre, 2021

Mientras seguimos avanzando con este “nuevo normal” que nos ha dejado la pandemia, es natural y esperado que ambos niños y padres sientan un aumento en su ansiedad. Esto es frecuentemente empeorado por la falta de privacidad generada por tener a toda la familia en casa- trabajando desde el hogar, o haciendo estudios escolares en línea. En situaciones como estas, es importante tener estrategias adicionales para poder facilitar este nuevo desafío. En esta serie nos estaremos enfocando en...

  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Culturally Specific
  • Latinx
Session 3 Working with Abuse Survivors with Mental Health Disabilities
Julio, 2021

Beyond Labels explores the relationship between domestic and sexual violence, mental health, and substance use. This is a guide for domestic and sexual violence staff seeking to improve their response to survivors who have mental health disabilities and substance use issues related to violence and abuse. It is based on the wisdom of survivors, national leaders in crisis services and trauma recovery, and domestic violence and sexual assault professionals.

  • Disability
  • Anti-Oppression
Management Tip
WCSAP Webpage
Junio, 2021

The Office of Crime Victims Advocacy (OCVA) funding has a new condition that requires that all staff who are likely to have contact with minors must have fingerprint background checks completed. This requirement stems from new federal requirements impacting pass-through funding sources VOCA and VAWA. Agencies/programs must have the fingerprint background checks completed before any staff or volunteers can provide direct services in which they are likely to interact with minors.


  • Management
  • Grants & Finances
  • Program Provision
Grounding and Anxiety Management with Young Children Series: Part 3 of 3
Junio, 2021

Welcome to the third and final part of our series in grounding and anxiety management with young children! For this three-part series we have been focusing on fun and simple activities that you can do with your child to help them better cope with their feelings of frustration and anxiety. This has proven to be especially needed as children (and parents!), have been dealing with the challenges of reduced school times and slow progress on the Pandemic front. Each video resource referenced is...

  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Parents & Caregivers
Session 2 Working with Abuse Survivors with Substance Use Issues
Mayo, 2021

Beyond Labels explores the relationship between domestic and sexual violence, mental health, and substance use. This is a guide for domestic and sexual violence staff seeking to improve their response to survivors who have mental health disabilities and substance use issues related to violence and abuse. It is based on the wisdom of survivors, national leaders in crisis services and trauma recovery, and domestic violence and sexual assault professionals.

  • Disability
  • Anti-Oppression
Sex Positivity as Sexual Violence Prevention
Mayo, 2021

This workshop brings a sex-positive lens to prevention, shifting the goal from consensual transactions to pleasurable play. ­­We will explore mainstream sexual norms — from “foreplay” to fake orgasms — and how they perpetuate a sex-negative, rape culture. In an effort to envision beyond more than simply consent, we will also discuss sexual liberation, lessons learned from BDSM, and what happens when we make good sex our ultimate goal.

  • Prevention
  • Consent
  • Healthy Sexuality
Supporting Equitable Service Provision (for Management)
Mayo, 2021

This training will provide program leaders with a deeper dive into inequitable service provision and how it shows up in programs, negatively impacts all staff, and interrupts safety and security for survivors of color and other marginalized communities. Participants will also be provided with culturally relevant approaches and strategies that support racial equity in hiring policies, programs, and partnerships.

Zoe also delivered a similar training that is specifically designed for...

  • Anti-Oppression
  • Management
  • Program Provision
  • Supervision
Supporting Equitable Service Provision (for Advocates)
Mayo, 2021

Ensuring safety and security for all survivors requires an organizational and personal commitment to racial justice, healing, and repair. This dynamic workshop will explore the ways inequitable service provision shows up in programs, negatively impacts all staff, and interrupts safety and security for survivors of color and other marginalized communities.

Zoe also delivered a similar training that is specifically designed for those in management roles. You can view that...

  • Advocacy
  • Anti-Oppression
An Historical Practice
Mayo, 2021

Socialized gatekeeping explores the role gatekeeping has served in reinforcing oppression strategies. This workshop provides participants the opportunity to have a foundational understanding of the gatekeeping process, its key components and the many ways the machine work to secure those gated in and gated out of opportunity. By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Define the gatekeeping mechanisms
  • Identify their existing role(s)...
  • Anti-Oppression
  • Prevention
Engaging LGBTQ+ communities in creative primary violence prevention projects
Mayo, 2021

Utilizing creative and concrete tools in this fun and interactive workshop by Queery, participants can enhance their school-based and organizational primary violence prevention projects. Although Queery's art-based education programs are designed by and for the LGBTQ+ BIPOC communities, the underlying concepts can be used across a variety of violence prevention platforms.

Queery's name comes from the combination of the sociological critical lens called "Queer Theory. " Queer theories...

  • Prevention
  • Culturally Specific
Navigating the US Immigration System
Mayo, 2021

In this training you will learn about the immigration system as it pertains to children. You'll learn about the current practices regarding detaining children at the Southern border and how these children end up living all over Washington state. You'll get a brief overview of the immigration court system in the United States.

Then, we will discuss various visas and other ways that child survivors of violence can obtain lawful status in the United States. Most importantly, we will...

  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Legal Advocacy
  • Anti-Oppression
  • Immigrant & Refugee
Grassroots organizing, healing, and recess
Mayo, 2021

First in WCSAP's 2021 Keynote Series, Theda New Breast from the Native Wellness Institute, gives her talk on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2Spirit Awareness Day. She discusses grassroots organizing, healing work, and self-care "recess".

  • Native Americans
Session 1 Working with Abuse Survivors with Mental Health Disabilities
Mayo, 2021

Beyond Labels explores the relationship between domestic and sexual violence, mental health, and substance use. This is a guide for domestic and sexual violence staff seeking to improve their response to survivors who have mental health disabilities and substance use issues related to violence and abuse. It is based on the wisdom of survivors, national leaders in crisis services and trauma recovery, and domestic violence and sexual assault professionals.

  • Disability
  • Anti-Oppression