Bullying Resources



Date of Publication
Enero, 2012

Besides having fun, kids are trying to figure out how to make their way through the social environment and feel accepted. It is our role to help create a change in the social environment that makes it "uncool" to use violence and ultimately to be a bully.

Enhance bullying prevention programs in schools and community organizations:

  • Create environments free from violence and hostility in which kids feel safe and can trust adults.
  • Establish clear rules that state bullying is not acceptable and reinforce them consistently. This could be in the form of an anti-violence policy or simply agreed upon rules for the group.
  • Teach respect for others as a core value.
  • Use examples that encourage the acceptance of diversity.
  • Engage kids in bullying prevention activities and encourage them to take leadership in committees and projects.
  • Encourage kids to become peer educators and/or use older students to provide mentorship and act as role models.
  • Provide diverse activities that will help kids develop their talents and give a creative outlet.
  • Keep kids and adults motivated to prevent bullying through an anti-bullying pledge.
  • Reach out to parents and other community agencies to be involved in teaching kids healthy communication skills.

Resources on WCSAP

Resources on Other Websites

  • Check out Stop Bullying Now for resources directed to both kids and adults. For kids: games and webisodes. For adults: tool kits, activity guides, talking points, PSAs, posters, and brochures.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have released a report "The Bully-Sexual Violence Pathway in Early Adolescence" that highlights the early findings from a three-year study aimed to examine the overlap between bullying and sexual violence victimization and perpetration in five middle schools in a Midwest state.