Providing Advocacy to Children With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Their Non-Offending Parents


Date of Publication
December, 2014


This 1.5-hour training is an introduction to working with child victims (12 and under) who have an intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) and their non-offending parents/guardians. The training will be valuable to service providers who want to expand their knowledge about this unique and pervasive disability and develop skills in working with this underserved population. The training will include the following information:

  • An introduction to IDD with definitions of relevant terminology
  • Prevalence and risk factors
  • How disability affects family life
  • Developing rapport with the parents — What parents want you to know
  • Understanding your own comfort with IDD
  • Identification of your own training needs
  • Online and downloadable resources
Learning Objectives
  • Define IDD
  • Identify vulnerabilities unique to children with IDD
  • Describe the effects of disability on family dynamic
  • Name three ways to modify advocacy for children with IDD


OCVA Grantees

If you are an OCVA grantee and you are viewing a recorded webinar to help meet your ongoing training requirements, please note:

  • Recorded webinars DO count towards ongoing training hours
  • WCSAP does NOT provide training documentation for watching recorded webinars
  • Most programs document attendance of a recorded webinar in the same manner as you would document an internal training
    • Please check within your organization to verify the proper procedure