


Program members shall be organizations that provide sexual assault victim services or sexual assault prevention education, and whose beliefs are consistent with the mission and philosophy of WCSAP. Program members must be committed in mission and action to honoring survivor's choices.

Amount of Membership Dues

Sexual Assault Budget Annual Dues
$150,001 and over $800
$100,001 - $150,000 $650
$75,001 - $100,000 $550
$50,001 - $75,000 $450
$25,001 - $50,000 $350
$0 - $25,000 $250

Benefits of Program Membership

Voting Privilege
As a Program Member of WCSAP, your program will be able to vote for members of the Board of Directors (both your regional representatives and members-at-large). Your program also has the opportunity to vote on any proposed changes to organizational bylaws.
Free Webinar Trainings
WCSAP conducts 1 webinar a month on average that focuses on sexual assault issues and enhancing services. These are free to members.
Free Trainings, Reduced Fee Trainings and Scholarships
WCSAP conducts a variety of training events each year that focus on sexual assault issues and enhancing services. Program Members receive trainings either for free, at a reduced rate, or can apply for a scholarship. Program Members are offered priority space on a first come first served basis. There are on average 1-2 trainings per month.
WCSAP Conference Scholarships
WCSAP Conference scholarships are available for Program Members. Program Members also receive reduced conference rates for an unlimited number of participants. Last year WCSAP's annual conference held over thirty workshops that focused on sexual assault service delivery, prevention, clinical treatment, and management. The annual conference is a superb opportunity to gather skills, network with other programs, and meet as a community of activists dedicated to the elimination of sexual violence.
Technical Assistance
WCSAP provides opportunities for extensive access to technical assistance and resource sharing. Last year WCSAP provided assistance regarding a variety of issues including prevention, community development, service provision, accreditation, community coordination, management and organizational development, educational resources, training, and curriculum development. Technical assistance can occur over the phone or on-site to help address the needs and challenges sexual assault programs face.
Legislative and Public Policy Advocacy
The WCSAP Legislative Committee creates a full legislative agenda for the benefit of sexual assault programs and survivors across the state of Washington. This agenda, and our email updates, enable members to track emerging issues that affect rape crisis centers and survivors of sexual assault. Members receive weekly updates of key issues, access to WCSAP staff to discuss or clarify legislation, notification of issues that legislators should hear your opinion about, and the opportunity to participate in Lobby Day each year. Program Members may receive up to a $50 travel reimbursement to participate in Lobby Day.
Lending Library
As a member of WCSAP, programs have full checkout privileges for books, videos, and other media in the WCSAP library. Our online library now contains over 1,000 articles, books, dissertations, prevention materials, and videos that pertain to sexual assault. The library also contains books on management, board development, and organizational issues. WCSAP covers outgoing postage costs for unlimited items.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month Campaign Materials
Each year a committee of WCSAP members selects a theme to commemorate Sexual Assault Awareness Month in Washington State. WCSAP produces and distributes campaign materials at no charge to Program Members.
Members receive copies of any publication WCSAP produces. Currently, WCSAP publications focus on examining current research, trends, information, and resources in the sexual assault field and sexual assault prevention and social change efforts.
Eligibility for Board Service
Program Members are eligible to serve on the Board of Directors. Members of the Board of Directors must be residents of the State of Washington.

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