Organizational Application

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WCSAP Philosophy
The Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs (WCSAP) views sexual assault as a means of power, control, and manipulation of others and as a social phenomenon which adversely affects adults and children. WCSAP supports efforts to create an atmosphere of nonviolence through social change. We are committed to empowering survivors and eliminating sexual assault. WCSAP supports the rights of people to have access to quality information, advocacy, crisis intervention, treatment, education and prevention services. We support the right of a victim to make choices about reporting, prosecution, healthcare, future safety, and other issues raised by the experience. WCSAP provides information, training and expertise to program and individual members who support victims, family and friends, the general public, and all those whose lives have been affected by sexual assault. WCSAP values the importance of addressing issues of racism, homophobia, able-bodyism, and other issues of oppression in order to make services accessible to all individuals regardless of race; gender; sexual orientation; religion; age; ethnic background; social, economic, immigration, marital, physical and/or mental status.
I have read and accept the WCSAP philosophy