Culturally Specific

At the confluence of disability and trans identity and survivorship: Supporting resilience and empowerment
April, 2022

Trans and nonbinary people experience disproportional rates of sexual victimization and other forms of violence. Trans people also have higher rates of disabilities than the general population. This webinar will examine the relationship between disability, trans identity and experience, and survivorship. Advocates and other providers will gain a broader understanding of the service and healing implications for survivors who live within these intersections. Participants will leave with…

  • Trauma
  • Anti-Oppression
  • Culturally Specific
Trans-specific ACES: Factors that influence the wellbeing of trans/nonbinary survivors
April, 2022

Many of us are familiar with ACEs – Adverse Childhood Experiences – and how they influence the health and wellness of both youth and adults. This webinar will explore and compare ACEs data in the general population with rates many trans/nonbinary people experience. Additional information will examine trans-specific ACEs that layer on extra challenges in childhood that have long-lasting impact throughout the lifespan.

  • Trauma
  • Anti-Oppression
  • Culturally Specific
Engaging LGBTQ+ communities in creative primary violence prevention projects
May, 2021

Utilizing creative and concrete tools in this fun and interactive workshop by Queery, participants can enhance their school-based and organizational primary violence prevention projects. Although Queery's art-based education programs are designed by and for the LGBTQ+ BIPOC communities, the underlying concepts can be used across a variety of violence prevention platforms.

Queery's name comes from the combination of the sociological critical lens called "Queer Theory. " Queer theories…

  • Prevention
  • Culturally Specific
Grassroots organizing, healing, and recess
May, 2021

First in WCSAP's 2021 Keynote Series, Theda New Breast from the Native Wellness Institute, gives her talk on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2Spirit Awareness Day. She discusses grassroots organizing, healing work, and self-care "recess".

  • Native Americans
Navigating the US Immigration System
May, 2021

In this training you will learn about the immigration system as it pertains to children. You'll learn about the current practices regarding detaining children at the Southern border and how these children end up living all over Washington state. You'll get a brief overview of the immigration court system in the United States.

Then, we will discuss various visas and other ways that child survivors of violence can obtain lawful status in the United States. Most importantly, we will…

  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Legal Advocacy
  • Anti-Oppression
  • Immigrant & Refugee
Skills for Advocates
January, 2016

What are some of the unique considerations in working with trans and gender non-binary youth who have experienced sexual assault? Join this webinar to gain practical skills in working with trans/gender non-binary survivors who are pre-teens and teens.

Content will address unique issues and strategies of working with both trans youth from supportive family structures and youth who do not have stable home or school environments. Topics will include: barriers to accessing services,…

  • Child Sexual Abuse
January, 2013

In this webinar we will explore using the bystander approach of sexual violence prevention with marginalized communities. Participants will expand their knowledge of the LGBTQ community, learn the basic principles of bystander intervention, and finally, using the LGBTQ population as an example, will practice customizing bystander intervention programs to the populations we work with. Though most bystander intervention programs in existence are geared towards college or university students,…

  • Bystanders

OCVA Grantees

If you are an OCVA grantee and you are viewing a recorded webinar to help meet your ongoing training requirements, please note:

  • Recorded webinars DO count towards ongoing training hours
  • WCSAP does NOT provide training documentation for watching recorded webinars
  • Most programs document attendance of a recorded webinar in the same manner as you would document an internal training
    • Please check within your organization to verify the proper procedure