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Engaging LGBTQ+ communities in creative primary violence prevention projects
May, 2021

Utilizing creative and concrete tools in this fun and interactive workshop by Queery, participants can enhance their school-based and organizational primary violence prevention projects. Although Queery's art-based education programs are designed by and for the LGBTQ+ BIPOC communities, the underlying concepts can be used across a variety of violence prevention platforms.

Queery's name comes from the combination of the sociological critical lens called "Queer Theory. " Queer theories…

  • Prevention
  • Culturally Specific
WCSAP Webpage
November, 2012

The bystander approach is a promising approach to sexual violence prevention as it encourages the community to take ownership of sexual violence as a problem and speak up when they witness potentially dangerous situations or sexist language. Other benefits of this approach include reducing victim blaming, includes everyone (gets men involved in a community issue, not a women's issue), and gives the community an opportunity it foster social change. Even so, it can be intimidating to become an…

  • Bystanders
WCSAP Webpage

The criminal justice system is not the only way for survivors of sexual assault to get their legal needs met. Because most victims never report to the police, most sexual assault victims are never involved in the criminal justice system. However, survivors may still have many legal needs that arise from being sexually assaulted.

Some issues that survivors may be concerned about, but do not necessarily think of as legal issues, are things such as:

  • Civil Legal System
2010 Survey Results and Recommendations
January, 2011

The information gathered from this survey highlighted those areas that require further attention and additional resources. It also identified that programs have been adaptive and innovative in responding to this problem despite existing resource and knowledge gaps. Some of the practices that are already being implemented, such as system coordination, have proven to be quite valuable in this context but we must also continue to expand our thinking and relationship-building efforts beyond…

  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Trafficking & CSEC
WCSAP Webpage

The criminal legal system is designed to punish the wrongdoer. This is a process that involves multiple steps that can take up to a year or more to complete.

A police report is made or child/adult protective services report is made. Reports to police are reviewed by detectives. Sometimes they will want more information, other times they will conclude there is enough information. On both occasions they may want to interview the victim.…
  • Criminal Justice Process
May, 2007

This issue of "Partners in Social Change" explores the ecological model of health behavior. As the word "ecological" implies, this structural model explores the relationship between human behavior and the environment. The beauty of the model lies in its assertion that our natural environment includes not only our corporeal surroundings, but also social and cultural forces, making the model particularly useful in program planning. It gives us a systematic approach to determine the appropriate…

  • Theory & Concepts
Fight or Flight, Then Freeze
WCSAP Webpage
October, 2016

Often in advocacy we are asked by survivors “why didn’t I fight? Why am I not a fighter?” This information can be useful to share with survivors and help them be able to think more kindly about their body/brain’s reaction to the violence they experienced.

The Amygdala's Role in Stress Response

The brain’s job is to take care of the body. The brain is divided into four key areas: the neocortex/cerebrum, the cerebellum, the limbic system, and the brainstem. Each area focuses…

  • Advocacy
  • Child Sexual Abuse
June, 2007

This issue of "Connections" presents relevant information and dialogue on the parallels of racism and a rape culture for those of us who work in the anti-rape community and who advocate on behalf of victims and survivors.

It is important that we break the silence and begin and continue dialoguing about these parallels to ensure that we continue to strengthen and cultivate a path that leads to social change and social justice.

  • Theory & Concepts
External Website

A teaching resource from the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, with activities exploring:

  • relationships,
  • sexual consent,
  • equity and
  • sexual and reproductive health.

Curriculum includes:

  • topic talking points,
  • activities,
  • videos,
  • handouts, and
  • evaluation tools.
  • Curriculums
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Healthy Sexuality
The Virginity Movement's War Against Women
June, 2012

This documentary is an adaptation of Jessica Valenti's 2009 bestselling book "The Purity Myth: How America's Obsession with Virginity is Hurting Young Women." The documentary, which Valenti co-wrote the documentary with director Jeremy Earp, brings to life her argument by allowing the audience to see the pop-culture examples of the American media's problematical portrayal of women's sexuality.

The book and documentary both build upon Valenti's concept of the "purity myth," which she…

  • Faith Communities
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Healthy Sexuality
  • Theory & Concepts