e. nina jay

image of e. nina jay smiling slightly. she is a black wearing glasses and has curly dark hair and white t-shirt.

e. nina jay


e. nina jay describes herself as “a Black, Lesbian, Womon, Writer who uses poetry as a tool of survival and to break silences around all forms of violence against gurls and womyn, with particular focus on the intersections of race, sexuality, and poverty. "As a survivor of incest and rape, I believe womyn and gurls can create powerful community to fight against the violence and constant degradation that weaves itself into every facet of our lives, by breaking silences and unraveling shame.” She has recently completed a 98-minute film called body of rooms, which features e. nina performing poetry and spoken word from her book of the same name. The film was shot in the summer of 2017 - before the #MeToo movement reached critical mass.


Advocate Core

  • Advocate Core is held 3 times a year
  • At this time, all trainings are virtual, and will be held on Zoom

Therapist Core

  • Therapist Core is held twice a year
  • At this time, all trainings are virtual, and will be held on Zoom

Annual Conference

  • Annual Conference is held once a year
  • At this time, all trainings are virtual, and will be held on Zoom

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