
Trans-specific ACES: Factors that influence the wellbeing of trans/nonbinary survivors
April, 2022

Many of us are familiar with ACEs – Adverse Childhood Experiences – and how they influence the health and wellness of both youth and adults. This webinar will explore and compare ACEs data in the general population with rates many trans/nonbinary people experience. Additional information will examine trans-specific ACEs that layer on extra challenges in childhood that have long-lasting impact throughout the lifespan.

  • Trauma
  • Anti-Oppression
  • Culturally Specific
At the confluence of disability and trans identity and survivorship: Supporting resilience and empowerment
April, 2022

Trans and nonbinary people experience disproportional rates of sexual victimization and other forms of violence. Trans people also have higher rates of disabilities than the general population. This webinar will examine the relationship between disability, trans identity and experience, and survivorship. Advocates and other providers will gain a broader understanding of the service and healing implications for survivors who live within these intersections. Participants will leave with…

  • Trauma
  • Anti-Oppression
  • Culturally Specific
Session 3 Working with Abuse Survivors with Mental Health Disabilities
July, 2021

Beyond Labels explores the relationship between domestic and sexual violence, mental health, and substance use. This is a guide for domestic and sexual violence staff seeking to improve their response to survivors who have mental health disabilities and substance use issues related to violence and abuse. It is based on the wisdom of survivors, national leaders in crisis services and trauma recovery, and domestic violence and sexual assault professionals.

  • Disability
  • Anti-Oppression
Navigating the US Immigration System
May, 2021

In this training you will learn about the immigration system as it pertains to children. You'll learn about the current practices regarding detaining children at the Southern border and how these children end up living all over Washington state. You'll get a brief overview of the immigration court system in the United States.

Then, we will discuss various visas and other ways that child survivors of violence can obtain lawful status in the United States. Most importantly, we will…

  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Legal Advocacy
  • Anti-Oppression
  • Immigrant & Refugee
Session 1 Working with Abuse Survivors with Mental Health Disabilities
May, 2021

Beyond Labels explores the relationship between domestic and sexual violence, mental health, and substance use. This is a guide for domestic and sexual violence staff seeking to improve their response to survivors who have mental health disabilities and substance use issues related to violence and abuse. It is based on the wisdom of survivors, national leaders in crisis services and trauma recovery, and domestic violence and sexual assault professionals.

  • Disability
  • Anti-Oppression
Session 2 Working with Abuse Survivors with Substance Use Issues
May, 2021

Beyond Labels explores the relationship between domestic and sexual violence, mental health, and substance use. This is a guide for domestic and sexual violence staff seeking to improve their response to survivors who have mental health disabilities and substance use issues related to violence and abuse. It is based on the wisdom of survivors, national leaders in crisis services and trauma recovery, and domestic violence and sexual assault professionals.

  • Disability
  • Anti-Oppression
Supporting Equitable Service Provision (for Management)
May, 2021

This training will provide program leaders with a deeper dive into inequitable service provision and how it shows up in programs, negatively impacts all staff, and interrupts safety and security for survivors of color and other marginalized communities. Participants will also be provided with culturally relevant approaches and strategies that support racial equity in hiring policies, programs, and partnerships.

Zoe also delivered a similar training that is specifically designed for…

  • Anti-Oppression
  • Management
  • Program Provision
  • Supervision
Supporting Equitable Service Provision (for Advocates)
May, 2021

Ensuring safety and security for all survivors requires an organizational and personal commitment to racial justice, healing, and repair. This dynamic workshop will explore the ways inequitable service provision shows up in programs, negatively impacts all staff, and interrupts safety and security for survivors of color and other marginalized communities.

Zoe also delivered a similar training that is specifically designed for those in management roles. You can view that…

  • Advocacy
  • Anti-Oppression
An Historical Practice
May, 2021

Socialized gatekeeping explores the role gatekeeping has served in reinforcing oppression strategies. This workshop provides participants the opportunity to have a foundational understanding of the gatekeeping process, its key components and the many ways the machine work to secure those gated in and gated out of opportunity. By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Define the gatekeeping mechanisms
  • Identify their existing role(s)…
  • Anti-Oppression
  • Prevention
An exploration into liberation-based healing
April, 2021

Colonialism and coloniality imposed a way of organizing relations of production, cosmologies, ways of knowing and being in which individuals, families and communities adapted and transformed adversity. Sexual violence was central to the process of mestizaje that took place in Central, South and the Southern U. S. and created more complex categories of oppression.

In this workshop, I discuss the meanings and impacts of sexual violence in reorganizing power, gender, class, race and…

  • Anti-Oppression
WCSAP Webpage
September, 2019

As managers of Community Sexual Assault Programs (CSAPs) you are aware of the Office of Crime Victims Advocacy accreditation standard (#AC1) that requires: “The agency ensures the cultural competency of its service delivery.”

This standard describes cultural competency as: “the ability of the organization to recognize and respect diverse cultural factors, and the effects of these factors on various communities’ need for and access to its services.”

Something unique to this…

  • Anti-Oppression
  • Accreditation
  • Planning
Women of Color in the Nonprofit Sector
WCSAP Webpage
February, 2019

Highlights from New Report

The Building Movement Project’s Race to Lead is a series that seeks to understand why there are still so few leaders of color in the nonprofit sector. This report looks beyond race alone to also examine the impact of both race and gender on the aspirations, experiences, and career
advancement of Women of Color working in the nonprofit sector.

Key Findings

  1. Racial and gender biases create barriers to advancement for Women of…
  • Anti-Oppression
  • Management
  • Nonprofit Governance
  • Supervision
Adultism in Advocacy
WCSAP Webpage
November, 2018

Adultism: Power and Control

Power is not inherently good nor bad, but it is used to benefit or target individuals along a spectrum of accessibility. We can easily identify ways in which racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, etc., manifest in our society, and how they might intersect with each other. We can also see how individuals and groups of people who have less access to power, or who are targets of power, are more vulnerable to sexual violence. Sexual violence is indeed about…

  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Anti-Oppression
WCSAP Webpage
November, 2018

In our industry as Managers, Supervisors and Executive Directors there are a plethora of gifting's that are bestowed to us in how we serve, advocate and add value to our organizations and or coalitions. In order to serve with due diligence we have to be willing to strive towards working as experts on a mission to eliminate any and all forms of oppression that serves to corrode and undermine the work of the anti-sexual violence movement.

The main form of oppression tends to rear its…

  • Anti-Oppression
  • Management
  • Culturally Specific
Making Connections With Advocacy and the Experiences of Survivors
January, 2016

Diversity, non-discrimination, cultural competency, anti-oppression, & social justice are not synonyms — they are not words that replace one another, nor are they words that connote the same meaning or the same type of interaction.

As advocates and preventionists, it is vital that we take into account power relations and oppression. Advocating on behalf of survivors and being an ally includes thinking about services, survivors, and yourself in terms of diversity, non-…

  • Anti-Oppression
  • Theory & Concepts
September, 2015

This summer, WCSAP released a support statement for the #blacklivesmatter Movement as a recommitment to our anti-racism work and allyship with African American communities. In that statement, we committed to being transparent about our ongoing process and to sharing tools that we find helpful along the way with our membership. We don’t have all the answers, but we want you to come along with us as we continue and deepen…

  • Anti-Oppression
July, 2014

This training is geared towards individuals and organizations that see the need to take a bold move to improve the way our Movement provides services to survivors of color while also supporting advocates of color. Sexual violence is greatly impacted and made more complex by all other forms of oppression, but issues of racism have long been swept under the rug within our Movement. Many organizations promote anti-oppression work but aren't able to describe or demonstrate how they are…

  • Anti-Oppression
  • Supervision
A Tool Kit to Help Advocates and Community

Advocates and other social service providers who have been in the field for any length of time are all too familiar with the revolving door syndrome. That is, we witness the system-wide oppression of a small but growing percentage of people seeking our services who are revolving through the social service system over and over again, going from one agency to the next, sometimes for years. They experience multiple barriers, multiple forms of abuse (including provider prejudice) and are often…

  • Incarcerated Survivors
  • Trafficking & CSEC
  • Anti-Oppression

Diversity Training

  1. Cultural Competency
  • Author: Hewitt, Robert.
  • Anti-Oppression