
In Their Own Words
PDF & Printed Materials
April, 2021

The articles and interviews in this issue of "Connections" center First Peoples' healing work to address sexual violence and survive colonization.

  • Native Americans
In Washington State
PDF & Printed Materials
December, 2015

In WCSAP's 2006 issue of Connections, Sexual Assault: Not Part of the Penalty, we explored the issue of sexual assault in correctional facilities. A lot has changed since then. Although the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was passed in 2003 to address sexual assault and abuse in prison, it was not until 2012 and 2014 that the final PREA standards that govern implementation of this law took effect.

One thing that has not changed since our last exploration of the issue of…

  • Incarcerated Survivors
December, 2010

To this day, having a sexual orientation or gender identity, real or perceived, that differs from the mainstream puts one at a higher risk for sexual violence.

Homophobia, transphobia, and misogyny continue to pervade society and support the rape culture we live in. This has a tremendous impact on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ) communities.

Intimate Partner Sexual Violence
July, 2008

A systematic response to intimate partner sexual violence is one that involves all levels of advocacy, legal, and political realms. The articles within this issue illustrate the complexities of IPSV, while painting a picture of that systematic response.

By capturing the voices of survivors, advocates and legal leaders in this movement to end violence against women, this "Connections" will inspire you to look beyond traditional paths of service delivery, dig deeper into the root…

  • IPSV
June, 2007

This issue of "Connections" presents relevant information and dialogue on the parallels of racism and a rape culture for those of us who work in the anti-rape community and who advocate on behalf of victims and survivors.

It is important that we break the silence and begin and continue dialoguing about these parallels to ensure that we continue to strengthen and cultivate a path that leads to social change and social justice.

  • Theory & Concepts
May, 2003

"Is feminism still valid?" is the question that became the basis of this issue of Connections. As we began to contemplate that question it came became clear that the question has always been, "Is feminism valid?" First wave feminism, the women's suffrage movement 1860-1920, was viewed as a radical doctrine, focused on dividing the genders. It was thought to be a construct of white, middle class, heterosexual, educated women. Second wave feminism, the women's liberation movement 1960 - 1982,…

  • Theory & Concepts