Rape Culture & Intersections with Anti-Black Racism 2 Advocate Core Part 2


Date of Publication
April, 2020


This webinar is broken into two parts.

Part One
This presentation will discuss different examples of how rape culture is ingrained in our culture, history and systems. We will also review different aspects of how rape culture is exhibited throughout our daily lives.
Part Two
We will also look at how oppression and rape culture connect and why it is important for sexual assault advocates to have foundational knowledge in anti-oppression. We will examine parallels between Rape Culture and anti-Black Racism.
Learning Objectives

A foundational understanding of Rape Culture and its intersections with a Culture of Anti-Black Racism.

Part 1


Webinar Materials

Notes and References

This webinar is a part of WCSAP's Advocate Core curriculum. Content contributors include: Tracy Wright, North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault; Kat Monusky, WCSAP; Michelle Dixon-Wall, WCSAP, and Lydia Guy-Ortiz, formerly of WCSAP. 

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