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Grassroots organizing, healing, and recess
May, 2021

First in WCSAP's 2021 Keynote Series, Theda New Breast from the Native Wellness Institute, gives her talk on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2Spirit Awareness Day. She discusses grassroots organizing, healing work, and self-care "recess".

  • Native Americans
Session 1 Working with Abuse Survivors with Mental Health Disabilities
May, 2021

Beyond Labels explores the relationship between domestic and sexual violence, mental health, and substance use. This is a guide for domestic and sexual violence staff seeking to improve their response to survivors who have mental health disabilities and substance use issues related to violence and abuse. It is based on the wisdom of survivors, national leaders in crisis services and trauma recovery, and domestic violence and sexual assault professionals.

  • Disability
  • Anti-Oppression
Sex Positivity as Sexual Violence Prevention
May, 2021

This workshop brings a sex-positive lens to prevention, shifting the goal from consensual transactions to pleasurable play. ­­We will explore mainstream sexual norms — from “foreplay” to fake orgasms — and how they perpetuate a sex-negative, rape culture. In an effort to envision beyond more than simply consent, we will also discuss sexual liberation, lessons learned from BDSM, and what happens when we make good sex our ultimate goal.

  • Prevention
  • Consent
  • Healthy Sexuality
Session 2 Working with Abuse Survivors with Substance Use Issues
May, 2021

Beyond Labels explores the relationship between domestic and sexual violence, mental health, and substance use. This is a guide for domestic and sexual violence staff seeking to improve their response to survivors who have mental health disabilities and substance use issues related to violence and abuse. It is based on the wisdom of survivors, national leaders in crisis services and trauma recovery, and domestic violence and sexual assault professionals.

  • Disability
  • Anti-Oppression
Supporting Equitable Service Provision (for Management)
May, 2021

This training will provide program leaders with a deeper dive into inequitable service provision and how it shows up in programs, negatively impacts all staff, and interrupts safety and security for survivors of color and other marginalized communities. Participants will also be provided with culturally relevant approaches and strategies that support racial equity in hiring policies, programs, and partnerships.

Zoe also delivered a similar training that is specifically designed for…

  • Anti-Oppression
  • Management
  • Program Provision
  • Supervision
In Their Own Words
PDF & Printed Materials
April, 2021

The articles and interviews in this issue of "Connections" center First Peoples' healing work to address sexual violence and survive colonization.

  • Native Americans
Grounding and Anxiety Management with Young Children Series: Part 2 of 3
April, 2021

Welcome to the second installment in our 3-part series on grounding and anxiety management with young children! In this series we are focusing on simple, fun, and helpful activities that you can teach anyone in your family, including young children, to help them cope with stressors and anxiety. For our second activity, we will be learning how to make a "Worry Box".

Worry Box
Create a fun, bonding experience with your child by teaching them how to cope and deal with worries and…

  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Parents & Caregivers
  • Training Tools
  • Guides & Activities
  • Awareness Raising
An exploration into liberation-based healing
April, 2021

Colonialism and coloniality imposed a way of organizing relations of production, cosmologies, ways of knowing and being in which individuals, families and communities adapted and transformed adversity. Sexual violence was central to the process of mestizaje that took place in Central, South and the Southern U. S. and created more complex categories of oppression.

In this workshop, I discuss the meanings and impacts of sexual violence in reorganizing power, gender, class, race and…

  • Anti-Oppression
Grounding and Anxiety Management with Young Children Series: Part 1 of 3
March, 2021

As we continue slogging through the “new normal” dictated by the ongoing pandemic, it is expected and natural that both parents and children are struggling with increased anxiety. This can be made worse by a forced lack of privacy such as, the whole family trying to work from home and/or do online schooling while in one enclosed space. In situations like these, additional tools for support are super useful. We will be focusing on a few coping strategies that are simple enough that even very…

  • Child Sexual Abuse
for Sexual Assault Survivors
February, 2021

This webinar discusses a trauma-informed, whole-person approach to legal advocacy. It covers civil legal options available to sexual assault survivors in Washington State including protection orders, housing rights, small claims, immigration, Title IX, and employment rights.

  • Civil Legal System