Partners in Social Change

Partners in Social Change (PISC) is published bi-annually by the Prevention Resource Center. The focus of this publication is to present information and resources for the prevention of sexual violence, with a special emphasis on social change.

January, 2012

It's no wonder that many of us spend time working to prevent sexual violence with children and young people. Since the goal is to prevent first-time victimization and perpetration of sexual violence, we need to start giving tools and changing norms early on. Of course we also know that prevention work needs to span individuals, communities, and society and those social change efforts need to continue over the life span.

Young people are immersed in youth culture and can offer…

  • Strategies
June, 2011

In this issue of "Partners in Social Change" we examine what it looks like to engage men in sexual violence prevention. Much of the work we do focuses on how communities can prevent sexual violence; therefore this issue seeks to examine men as a community that has the potential to help create social change. The notion that men need to be involved in ending gender-based violence is not new by any means, but we want to take a look at how we can genuinely involve men as part of a movement that…

  • Male Survivors
  • Gender Specific
The Healthy Youth Act and Your Community
September, 2009

Prevention programming is happening in communities across Washington in a variety of settings. However, it's hard to deny that schools are not a very popular place to deliver these messages. And for good reason, that's where the kids are. That's where our future goes to figure out what kind of world we'll all be living in tomorrow.

For this issue of the PISC, we are talking about schools. We take a look at the laws about what schools must offer, we provide ideas and resources about…

  • Curriculums
  • Schools & Campus
May, 2009
I am a person, so treat me like you.
Don't hurt me, abuse me,
or embarrass me too.
I think and I feel and I will speak out-
If someone does hurt me,
I'll stand up and shout!

This poem is a nice summary of this issue of Partners in Social Change, where we turn our attention to disabilities and sexual violence prevention.

To craft this issue, we asked ourselves a few questions.

  1. If our organization…
  • Disability
February, 2009

This issue of Partners in Social Change explores current prevention strategies in our state and delves into community development as a primary prevention strategy. Additionally, it discusses educational presentation efficacy.

  • Program Design
  • Theory & Concepts
April, 2008

Around the state of Washington we are working to promote social change by encouraging communities to take an active role in identifying the root causes to sexual violence in their community and taking steps to address these conditions. In this issue of Partners in Social Change are articles on community development, logic models and the statewide prevention planning meetings.

  • Strategies
  • Theory & Concepts
March, 2008

In this issue of Partners in Social Change (PISC) are articles on two public health methods that are useful for re-evaluating and goal setting — Needs and Resources Assessment and Outcome Evaluation. Both methods are valuable to prevention planning, however they are also the two methods most often bypassed due to lack of knowledge, funding, time, and other resources.

Despite these limitations, it is important for us to be familiar with them and to creatively think of ways to…

  • Program Design
& Promising Practices
November, 2007

The theme for this issue is "integration" — integration of direction from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, integration of lessons learned from the field and integration of promising practices. When we weave together these elements with our current prevention strategies, we begin to create best-practice sexual violence prevention plans for our local communities.

  • Theory & Concepts
May, 2007

This issue of "Partners in Social Change" explores the ecological model of health behavior. As the word "ecological" implies, this structural model explores the relationship between human behavior and the environment. The beauty of the model lies in its assertion that our natural environment includes not only our corporeal surroundings, but also social and cultural forces, making the model particularly useful in program planning. It gives us a systematic approach to determine the appropriate…

  • Theory & Concepts
March, 2007

This issue of "Partners in Social Change" is intended to provide an overview of public health theory that is relevant for anti-rape advocates, and to provide the inspiration and desire to engage in the collaborative effort.

  • Theory & Concepts